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Templatize any Chameleon Experience

πŸ–ΌοΈ Templatize option available for all Experiences

From the Builder or the Dashboard, you can now create a Template from any Experience you create in Chameleon. Save it for your team to use again and skip the configuration part for a quicker flow anytime you have to deliver value to users.

Templatizing a Launcher

πŸ‘‰ Discover how you can leverage Templates in Chameleon.

πŸ› We solved an issue with Walkthroughs not working as they should in Additional Actions, we made sure you can see your Segment properties in no time.Β 

✨ And we also made an improvement to Media Localization - your YAML file now includes the URL regardless of the type of media (image/video)

Boost product adoption and
reduce churn

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