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Analyze HelpBar data

✨ HelpBar analytics for better in-app support

From your Dashboard, access and download your HelpBar data to analyze how this impacts your adoption goals. Get users' questions and answers, see where they were in your app when they opened your HelpBar, or review a list of all the content added to your HelpBar. Or connect your analytics tools, such as Amplitude, Heap, or Mixpanel to analyze HelpBar's performance in your analytics dashboards.

Downloading user interactions from HelpBar

πŸ‘‰ Learn more about analyzing HelpBar data.

Quick to support

To respond faster to users' blockers or challenges, send their HelpBar questions to your Slack channels. This way, you can better understand their needs and decide with your team the best way to support users.

Boost product adoption and
reduce churn

Get started free in our sandbox or book a personalized call with our product experts